Papers (Other)

Papers (Other)

1. Deary I, Wessely S, Farrell M. Dementia and Mrs. Thatcher. Br Med J 1985: 291: 1768.

2. Wessely S. Mass Hysteria: Two Syndromes? Psychol Medicine 1987: 17: 109 120.

3. Nimgaonkar V, Wessely S, Murray,R. Prevalence of Perinatal Trauma, Familiality and Structural Brain Damage in Schizophrenic Patients. Br J Psychiatry 1988; 153; 191-197.

4. Nimgaonkar V, Wessely S, Tune L, Murray R. Response to Drugs in Schizophrenia. A Prospective Study of the Influence of Family History, Perinatal Trauma and Brain Ventricular Enlargement. Psychol Medicine 1988; 18; 583-592.

5. Fahy T, Wessely S, David A. Cannibals, Vampires and Werewolves. Med Sci Law 1988; 28; 145-149.

6. Appleby L, Wessely S. The Influence of the Hungerford Massacre on the Public Opinion of Mental Illness. Medicine, Science & Law 1988; 28; 291 – 295.

7. Wessely S, Lewis G. The Classification of Psychiatric Morbidity in a Skin Clinic. Br J Psychiatry 1989; 155: 686-691.

8. Feinstein T, Wessely S, Ron M. Disappearing brain lesions, psychosis and epilepsy. J Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 1990; 53; 244-246.

9. Lewis G, Wessely S. A Comparison of the General Health Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Br J Psychiatry 1990; 157; 860-864.

10. Wessely S, Nickson J, Cox B. Symptoms of low blood pressure: a population study. Br Med J 1990; 301; 362-365.

11. Wessely S, Taylor P. Madness and crime; criminology or psychiatry?. Criminal Behaviour & Mental Health 1991; 1; 193-228.

12. Garety P, Helmsley D, Wessely S. Cognitive processes in schizophrenic and paranoid patients. J Nervous Mental Diseases 1991; 179: 194-201.

13. Castle D, Wessely S, Der G, Murray R. The incidence of schizophrenia in Camberwell; 1964-1984. Br J Psychiatry 1991; 159; 790-794.

14. Wessely S, Castle D, Der G, Murray R. Schizophrenia and Afro-Caribbeans: A Case Control Study. Br J Psychiatry 1991; 159; 795-801.

15. Wessely S, Castle D. How valid are psychiatric case notes for assessing criminal convictions? J Forensic Psychiatry 1991; 3; 359-363.

16. Farmer A, Wessely S, Castle D, McGuffin P. Methodological Problems in the Assessment of Psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 1992; 161; 824-830.

17. Blumenthal S, Wessely S. National survey of current arrangements for diversion from custody in England and Wales. Br Med J 1992; 305;1322-1325.

18. Castle D, Wessely S, Murray R. Sex and schizophrenia: effects of diagnostic stringency and associations with premorbid variables. Br J Psychiatry 1993; 162:658-664.

19. Wessely S, Buchanan A, Reed A, Everitt B, Garety P, Taylor P. Acting on delusions I:prevalence of delusional behaviour. Br J Psychiatry 1993; 163: 69-76.

20. Buchanan A, Reed A, Wessely S, Grubin D, Dunn G, Taylor P. Acting on delusions II:phenomonological correlates of action. Br J Psychiatry 1993; 163; 77-81.

21. Blumenthal S, Wessely S. Psychiatry and the Criminal Justice System: The Involvement of General and Forensic Psychiatrists. J Forensic Psychiatry 1993; 4; 569-574.

22. Castle D, Scott K, Wessely S, Murray R. Does social deprivation during gestation and early life predispose to schizophrenia? Soc Psych Psychiatric Epidemiology 1993; 28;1-4.

23. Williams J, Farmer A, Wessely S, Castle D, McGuffin P. Heterogeneity in Schizophrenia: an extended replication of the hebephrenic like (‘H’) and paranoid like (‘P’) sub-types. Psychiatry Research 1993: 49:199-210.

24. Howard R, Castle D, Wessely S, Murray R. A comparative study of 470 cases of early-onset and late-onset schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 1993;163;352-357.

25. Wilkie A, Wessely S. Patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Br J Hosp Medicine 1994; 51; 421-427.

26. Castle D, Phelan M, Wessely S, Murray R. Which patients with non-affective functional psychosis are not admitted at first psychiatric contact? Br J Psych 1994;165,101-106.

27. Castle D, Sham P, Wessely S, Murray R. The subtyping of schizophrenia in men and women: 1: a latent class analysis. Psychol Medicine 1994; 24;41-51.

28. Wessely S, Castle D, Douglas A, Taylor P. The criminal careers of incident cases of schizophrenia. Psychological Medicine 1994;24: 483-502.

29. Blumenthal S, Wessely S. The pattern of delay in mental health review tribunals. Psychiatric Bulletin 1994;18: 398-400.

30. Blumenthal S, Wessely S. The cost of mental health review tribunals. Psych Bulletin 1994;18: 274-276.

31. Hotopf M, Wessely S, Noah N. Are ethical committees reliable? J Royal Soc Med 1995; 88:31-33.

32. David A, Wessely S. The Legend of Camelford: The Aftermath of a Mass Pollution Incident. J Psychosomatic Res 1995; 39:1-9.

33. Howard L, Wessely S. Psychiatry in the allergy clinic: The management of patients with non allergic symptoms. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 1995; 25:503-514.

34. Cleare A, Bearn J, Allain T, Wessely S, McGregor A, O’Keane V. Contrasting neuroendocrine responses in depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. J Affective Disorder 1995; 35:283-289.

35. Van Os J, Takei N, Castle D, Wessely S, Der G, Murray R. The incidence of mania: time trends in relation to gender and ethnicity. Social Psychiatry Psychiatric Epidemiology 1996; 31:129-136.

36. Van Os J, Takei N, Castle D, Wessely S, Der G, Murray R. Premorbid abnormalities in mania, schizomania, acute schizophrenia and chronic schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 1996; 30:274-278.

37. Sham P, Castle D, Wessely S, Farmer A, Murray R. Further Exploration of a Latent Class Typology of Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 1996; 20:105-115.

38. Wessely S, Brugha T, Cowen P, Smith L, Paykel E. Do authors know who refereed their paper? Br Med J 1996: 313:1185

39. Wessely S. The rise of counselling and the return of alienism. Br Med J 1996; 313:158-160

40. Howard L, Wessely S. Reappraising reassurance-the role of investigations. J Psychosom Res, 1996; 41:307-311

41. Saisch S, Wessely S, Gardner W. Acute hyperventilation presenting to an inner city emergency department. Chest 1996; 190: 952-957

42. Castle D, Wessely S, Howard R, Murray R. Schizophrenia with onset at the extremes of adult life. Int J Geriatric Psychiatry 1997; 12:712-717

43. Wessely S. The epidemiology of crime, violence and schizophrenia. Br J Psychiatry 1997; 170 (suppl 32), 8-11.

44. Woodruff P, Higgins E, du Vivier A, Wessely S. Psychiatric illness in dermatological conditions. General Hospital Psychiatry 1997: 19:29-35

45. Neeleman J, Wessely S. Drugs taken in fatal and non-fatal self-poisoning: a study in South London. Acta Psychiatrica Scand 1997: 95; 283-287

46. Neeleman J, Wessely S. Misclassification of suicide in England and Wales: increase over time and association with Coroner’s training. Psychol Med 1997; 27:467-472

47. Neeleman J, Mak V, Wessely S. Suicide by age, ethnic group and country of birth in Inner London- a three year survey. Br J Psychiatry 1997: 171: 463 467

48. Goddard N, Bernadt M, Wessely S. Sharing medical records with somatisation disorder patients: a comparison with general psychiatric patients. Psychiatric Bulletin 1997: 21: 489-491

49. Euba R, Chalder T, Wallace P, Wright D, Wessely S. Self reported allergic symptoms and psychological morbidity in primary care. Int J Psychiatry Medicine 1997; 27:47-56

50. Kouyanou K, Pither C, Wessely S. Medication misuse, abuse and dependence in chronic pain patients. J Psychosom Res 1997; 43: 497 504.

51. Kouyanou K, Pither C, Wessely S. Iatrogenesis and chronic pain. Psychosomatic Medicine 1997: 59:597-604.

52. Moncrieff J. Wessely S, Hardy R. Meta analysis of trials comparing antidepressants to active placebos. Br J Psychiatry 1998: 172: 227-231

53. Crawford M, Turnbull G, Wessely S. The assessment of deliberateself-harm by accident and emergency staff – an intervention study. J Accident and Emergency Medicine 1998: 15: 18-22.

54. Neeleman J, Wessely S, Wadsworth M. Predictors of suicide, accidental and premature death- competing outcomes in a general population birth cohort. Lancet 1998: 351: 93-97

55. Neeleman J, Wessely S, Lewis G. Suicide acceptance in African Americans- The role of religion. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease 1998: 186: 12-16

56. Wessely S, Bisson J, Rose S. A systematic review of brief psychological interventions (“debriefing”) for the treatment of immediate trauma related symptoms and the prevention of posttraumatic stress disorder. In: Oakley-Browne M, Churchill R, Gill D, Trivedi M, Wessely S eds). Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Module of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1998, Available in the Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Collaboration, Issue 2, Update Software, Oxford 1998. Updated quarterly.

57. Wessely S. Peer review of grant applications: what do we know? Lancet 1998: 352:301-305

58. Kouyanou K, Pither C, Rabe-Hesketh S, Wessely S. A comparative study of iatrogenesis, medication abuse, and psychiatric morbidity in chronic pain patients with and without medically explained symptoms. Pain 1998: 76: 417-426

59. Hotopf M, Carr S, Mayou R, Wadsworth M, Wessely S. Why do children have chronic abdominal pain, and what happens to them when they grow up? Br Med J 1998:316; 1196-1199

60. Hotopf M, Mayou R, Wadworth M, Wessely S. Which comes first: Psychiatric disorder or physical symptoms? Results from a National Birth Cohort. Br J Psych 1998: 173: 255-261

61. Crawford M, Wessely S. Self discharge from A+E is a risk factor for repetition of deliberate self-harm. BMJ 1998 317:985

62. Crawford M, Wessely S. The changing epidemiology of deliberate self harm – implications for service provision. Health Trends 1998: 30: 66-68

63. Churchill R, Wessely, S. and Lewis, G. A systematic review and meta analysis of the combination of antidepressants and psychotherapy for treatment of depression. [Protocol]. In: Oakley Browne M, Bech P, Churchill R, Gill D, Hazell P, Trivedi M, Wessely S (eds). Depression, Anxiety and Neurosis Module of The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, [updated July 1997, Jan 1999]. Available in The Cochrane Library [database on disk and CDROM]. The Cochrane Collaboration; Issue 3. Oxford: Update Software; 1997. Updated quarterly.

65. Weiner A, Wessely S, Lewis G. “You don’t give me give me flowers anymore”: An analysis of gift giving to medical and psychiatric inpatients. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology 1999: 34: 136-140

66. Neeleman J, Wessely S. Ethnic minority suicide: a small area geographical study in South London. Psychol Med 1999: 29: 429-436

67. Bartholomew R, Wessely S. Epidemic Hysteria in Virginia: The case of the Phantom Gasser of 1933-34. Southern Med J 1999; 92: 762 769

68. Wall S, Churchill R, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Trends in the use of the Mental Health Act; England, 1984-96. BMJ 1999: 318: 1520-1521

69. Canning UP, Kennell Webb SA, Marshall EJ, Wessely SC, Peters T. Substance misuse in general medical admissions. Q J Med 1999; 92; 319 326.

70. Hotopf M, Mayou R, Wadsworth M, Wessely S. Psychosocial and developmental antecedents of chest pain in young adults. Psychosomatic Medicine 1999: 61: 861-867

71. De Lima M, Hotopf M, Wessely S. The efficacy of drug treatments for dysthymia: a systematic review and meta analysis. Psychol Med 1999: 29: 1273-1289

72. Wessely S, Nimnuan C, Sharpe M. Functional somatic syndromes – one or many? Lancet 1999; 354: 939-939

73. Brunello N, Akiskal H, Boyer P, Gessa G, Howland R, Langer S, Mendlewicz J, De Souza M, Placidi G, Racagni G, Wessely S. Dysthymia: clinical picture extent of overlap with chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropharmacological considerations, and new therapeutic vistas. J Affective Disorders 1999:52: 275-290

74. Hunot V, Churchill R, McGuire H, Knapp M, Corney R, Tylee A, Wessely S. A systematic review of brief psychological treatments for depression. Counselling 1999; 10:225-226

75. Hunot V, Churchill R, McGuire H, Knapp M, Corney R, Tylee A, Wessely S. Brief psychological treatments for depression. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 3, 1999, Oxford, Update Software.

76. Hotopf M, Mayou R, Wadsworth M, Wessely S. Childhood risk factors for adults with medically unexplained symptoms: results from a national birth cohort study. Am J Psych 1999:156:1796-2000

77. Hotopf M, Wall S, Buchanan A, Wessely S, Churchill R. Changing patterns in the use of the Mental Health Act (1983) in England from 1984 1996.Br J Psych 2000 176; 479-484

78. Hotopf M, Wilson Jones C, Mayou R, Wadsworth M, Wessely S.Childhood predictors ofadult medically unexplained hospitalizations: results from a national birth cohort study. Br J Psych 2000: 176: 273-280

79. Nimnuan C, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Medically unexplained symptoms: how often and why are they missed? Quarterly Journal of Medicine 2000: 93: 21-28

80. Crawford M, Wessely S. The management of patients following deliberate self harm-what happens to those discharged from hospital to GP care? Primary Care Psychiatry 2000; 6: 61-65

81. Neeleman J, Wilson Jones C, Wessely S. Ethnic density and deliberate self harm: a small area study in South East London. J Epi Comm Health 2001: 55:85-90

82. Hotopf M, Wadsworth M, Wessely S. Is “somatisation” a defence against the acknowledgement of psychiatric disorder? J Psychosomatic Research 2001: 50: 119-124

83. Reid S, Hotopf M, Jackson M, Wessely S. Medically unexplained symptoms in frequent attenders of secondary health care: retrospective cohort study. Br Med J 2001; 322; 767-769

84. Nimnuan T, Rabe Hesketh S, Hotopf M, Wessely S. How many functional somatic syndromes? J Psychosom Res 2001: 51: 549-557

85. Nimnuan T, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Medically unexplained symptoms in the general hospital; an epidemiological study of seven clinics. J Psychosom Res 2001: 51: 361-367

85. Wessely S, Hotopf M. Are some public-health problems better neglected? Lancet 2001: 357:976-978.

86. Reid, S. Jackson, M. Whooley, D. Crayford, T. Wessely, S. Hotopf, M. Medically Unexplained symptoms – the attitudes of general practitioners. Family Practice 2001: 18:, 519-523

87. Reid S, Hull K, Unwin C, Hotopf M, David A, Wessely S. Reported chemical sensitivities in a health survey of UK military personnel. Occupational & Environmental Health 2002: 59: 196-198

88. Hyams K, Murphy F, Wessely S. Combating terrorism: recommendations for dealing with the long term consequences of a chemical, biological attack. J Health Politics, Policy & Law 2002: 27: 273-291

89. Wessely S, Pariante C. Fatigue, depression and chronic hepatitis C infection. Psychological Medicine 2002: 32: 1-10.

90. Bartholomew R, Wessely S. The protean nature of mass sociogenic illness: From possessed nuns to chemical and biological terrorism fears. Br J Psychiatry 2002: 180: 300-306

91. Reid, S. Crayford, T. Patel, A. Wessely, S Hotopf M.Frequent attenders in secondary care: a 3 year follow up study of patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Psychol Med 2003: 33: 519-524.

92. Fischoff B, Wessely S. Managing patients with inexplicable health problems. Br Med J 2003: 326: 595-597

93. Rose S, Bisson J, Wessely S. A Systematic Review of Single Session Psychological Interventions (“Debriefing”) following trauma. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 2003: 72: 176-184

94. Henderson M, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Workplace Counselling: An Appeal for Evidence. Occupational & Environmental Medicine 2003: 60: 899-900.

95. Werneke U, Taylor D, Sanders T, Wessely S. Behavioural management of overweight patients treated with atypical antipsychotics: a review. Acta Psychatrica Scandinavica 2003: 108: 252-259

96. Clauw D, Engel C, Kipen H, Jones E, Kroenke K, Ratzan S, Sharpe M, Wessely S. Unexplained symptoms after terrorism and war: an expert consensus statement. J Occup Environ Med 2003: 45: 1040-1048.

97. Page L, Wessely S. Medically unexplained symptoms: exacerbating factors in the doctor-patient encounter. J Royal Soc Medicine 2003: 96: 223-227

98. Greenhalgh T,.Wessely S. ‘Health for me’: a sociocultural analysis of healthism in the middle classes. British Medical Bulletin 2004; 69: 197-213.

99. Richie E, Friedman M, Watson P, Ursano R, Wessely S, Flynn B. Mass violence and early mental health intervention: a proposed application of best practice guidelines to chemical, biological and radiological attacks. Military Medicine 2004: 169: 575-579

100. Page L, Howard L, Dowson A, Husain K, Tong J, Weinman J, Wessely S. Psychiatric morbidity and cognitive representations of illness in chronic daily headache. J Psychosom Res 2004: 57: 549-555.

101. Raymont V, Bingley W, Buchanan A, David A, Hayward P, Wessely S, Hotopf M. Prevalence of mental incapacity in medical inpatients and associated risk factors: cross sectional study. Lancet 2004: 364: 1421-1427

102. Hooper R, Rona R, French C, Jones M, Wessely S. Unmet expectations in primary care and the agreement between doctor and patient: a questionnaire study Health Expectations 2005: 8: 26-33

103. Rubin GJ, Das-Munshi J & Wessely S. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: A systematic review of provocation studies. Psychosomatic Medicine 2005: 67: 224-232

104. Candy, B. Chalder, T. Cleare, A. Wessely, S. Hotopf, M. What advice do patients with infectious mononucleosis report being given by their general practitioner? J Psychosom Research 2005: 58: 435-437

105. Howard L, Wessely S, Leese M, Page L, McCrone P, Husain K, Tong J, Downson A. Are investigations reassuring or anxiogenic? A randomised controlled trial into the role of neuroimaging in chronic benign headache. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005; 76: 1558-1564.

106. Brown RG, Dittner A, Findley L, Wessely S. The Parkinson fatigue scale. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 2005: 11: 49-55

107. Kennedy T, Jones R, Darnley S, Seed P, Wessely S, Chalder T. Cognitive behaviour therapy versus antispasmodic therapy for irritable bowel syndrome in primary care: a randomised controlled trial, Br Med J 2005: 331: 435-437.

108. Katona C, Peveler R, Dowrick C, Wessely S, Feinman C, Gask L, Lloyd H, de Williams A, Wager E. Pain symptoms in depression: definition and clinical significance. Clinical Medicine 2005: 5: 390-395.

109. Rubin GJ, Hahn G, Allberry E, Innes R, Wessely S.. Drawn to drink: A double-blind randomised cross-over trial of the effects of magnets on the taste of cheap red wine. Journal of Wine Research 2005: 161: 1-5.

110. Rubin J, Brewin C, Greenberg N, Simpson J, Wessely S. Psychological and behavioural reactions to the bombings in London on 7 July 2005: cross sectional survey of a representative sample of Londoners. British Medical Journal 2005. 311: 606-610

111. Jones E, Woolven R, Durodie W, Wessely S. Public Panic and Morale: Second World War Civilian Responses Reexamined in the Light of the Current Antiterrorist Campaign. Journal of Risk Research 2006:9, 57-73.

112. Iversen A, Liddell K, Fear N, Hotopf M, Wessely S. Consent, Confidentiality and the Data Protection Act: Epidemiological Research and hard-to-engage Cohorts BMJ 2006: 332: 165-169

113. Page L, Petrie K, Wessely S. Psychosocial consequences of environmental incidents: a review and a proposed typology. J Psychosomatic Research 2006: 60: 413-422

114. Hughes G, Martinez C, Myon C, Taleb C, Wessely S. The impact of a diagnosis of fibromyalgia on healthcare resource use by primary care patients in the UK; A population based study. Arthritis & Rheumatism 2006: 54: 177-183

115. Rubin GJ, Das Munshi J & Wessely S. A systematic review of treatment studies for electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 2006: 75: 12-18

116. Werneke U, Horn O, Maryon-Davis A, Hutchinson B, Wessely S, Schnaar A, Donnan A, McPherson K. Screening for breast and cervical cancer in patients with mental illness. J Epi Comm Health 2006: 60: 600-605

117. Rubin J, Hahn J, Everitt B, Cleare A, Wessely S. Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals? A within-participants, double blind, randomised provocation study. Br Med J 2006: 332: 886-891

118. Gilbody S, Sheldon T, Wessely S. Depression, a suitable case for screening? Br Med J 2006: 332:1027-1030

119. Shephard B, Rubin J, Wardman J, Wessely S. Terrorism and dispelling the myth of a panic prone public. Journal of Public Health and Policy 2006: 27:219-245

120. Das Munshi, J, Wessely S, Rubin J. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities: A systematic review of provocation studies. J Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006: 118: 1257-1264.

121. Jones E, Wessely S. Post traumatic stress disorder: a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of psychiatric disorder. J Anxiety Disorders 2007: 21: 164-175

122. Raymont, V. Bingley, W. Buchanan, A. David, A. Hayward, P. Wessely, S. Hotopf, M. The Inter-rater Reliability of Assessments of Mental Capacity. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry2007: 30: 112-117

123. Stein D, Seedat S, Iversen A , Wessely S. Posttraumatic stress disorder: Medicine and politics in the aftermath of trauma. Lancet 2007: 369: 139-144

124. Armstrong D, Lilford J, Ogden J, Wessely S. Health related quality of life and the transformation of symptoms. Sociology of Health and Illness 2007: 29: 570-583.

125. Samele C, Patel M, Boydell J, Leese M, Wessely S, Murray R. Physical illness and lifestyle risk factors in first presentation cases with psychosis: a matched case control study. Soc Psych Psych Epi, 2007: 42: 117-124

126. Rubin G, Brewin C, Greenberg N, Hacker Hughes J, Simpson J, Wessely S. Predictors of persistent distress following terrorism: a seven month follow up survey of reactions to the bombings in London on 7 July 2005. Br J Psychiatry 2007: 190: 350-356

127. Kanaan R, Craig T, Wessely S, David A. Imaging repressed memories in motor conversion disorder. Psychosomatic Medicine, 2007: 69: 202-205

128. Rubin G, Page L, Morgan O, Pinder R, Riley P, Hatch S, Maguire H, Catchpole M, Simpson J, Wessely S. Public information needs after the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko with polonium-210 in London: Cross sectional telephone survey and qualitative analysis. BMJ 2007: 335: 1143-1146.

129. Wessely S. A defence of the randomized controlled trial. Biosocieties 2007: 2:115-127

130. Rogers, M. B., Amlot, R., Rubin, G. J., Wessely, S., Krieger, K.. Mediating the Social and Psychological Impacts of Terrorist Attacks. International Review of Psychiatry 2007: 19: 279-288

131. Das Munshi J, Rubin G, Wessely S. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery 2007: 15: 274-280

132. Kanaan R, Lepine J, Wessely S. The association or otherwise of the functional somatic syndromes. Psychosomatic Medicine 2007: 89: 855-859

133. Jones E, Fear N, Wessely S. Shell Shock and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Historical Review Am J Psychiatry 2007: 164,1641-1645

134. Tate R, Jones M, Fear N, Hull L, Rona R, Wessely S, Hotopf M, How many mailouts? Could attempts to increase the response rate in the Iraq war cohort study be counter productive?.BMC Medical Research Methodology 2007, 7:51

135. Stuart J, Ursano R, Fullerton C, Wessely S. Belief in exposure to chemical and biological agents in Persian Gulf War soldiers J Nerv Mental Disease 2008: 196: 122-127

136. Rubin J, Cleare A, Wessely S. Psychological factors associated with self reported sensitivity to mobile phones. J Psychosomatic Research 2008: 64: 1-9

137. Kessler RC, Galea S, Gruber MJ, Sampson NA, Ursano RJ, Wessely S. Trends in mental illness and suicidality after Hurricane Katrina. Molecular Psychiatry 2008; 13: 374-384

138. Bourke J, Wessely S. Confidentiality. Br Med J 2008: 336: 888-891

139. Annemans L, Wessely S, Spaepen E, Caekelbergh K, Caubere J, le Lat K, Taleb C. Health economic consequences related to the diagnosis of the fibromyalgia syndrome. Arthritis Rheumatism 2008: 58: 895-902

140. Bartholomew R, Wessely S. Canada’s “Toxic Bus”: The new challenge for law enforcement in the post-9/11 world/Mass psychogenic illness. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 2008: 49;657-671

141. Nieto-Hernandez R, Rubin G, Cleare A, Weinman J, Wessely S. Can evidence change belief? Reported mobile sensitivity following individual feedback of an inability to discriminate active from sham signals. J Psychosomatic Research 2008: 65: 453-460

142. Rubin J, Amlot R, Page L, Wessely S. Methodological challenges in assessing general population reactions in the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack. Int J Methods in Psychiatric Research 2008: 17: S29-S35.

143. Page L, Rubin J, Amlot R, Simpson J, Wessely S. How prepared are Londoners for an emergency? A longitudinal study following the London bombs. Bioterrorism and Biosecurity 2008: 6: 309-319

144. Wessely S, Bryant R, Greenberg N, Earnshaw M, Sharpley J, Hacker Hughes J. Does psycho education help prevent post traumatic distress? Psychiatry 2008: 71: 287- 302

145. Rubin G, Amlot R, Page L, Wessely S. Public perceptions, anxiety and behavioural changes to the Swine Flu outbreak: a cross sectional study. BMJ 2009: 339: b2651

146. Kanaan R, Armstrong D, Wessely S. Limits to truth telling: Neurologists ‘ Communication in Conversion Disorders. Patient Education and Counselling 2009: 77:296-301

147. Kanaan R, Armstrong D, Wessely S. In the Psychiatrist’s Chair: How Neurologists understand Conversion Disorder, Brain 2009: 132:2889-2896

148. Horne R, Wessely S, Petrie K. H index pathology: implications for medical researchers and practitioners. Br Med J 2009: 339: b5356

149. Rubin J, Amlot R, Leach R, Rogers B, Simpson J, Wessely S. Public Perceptions of and Reactions to Pneumonic Plague. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2010: 16: 120-122

150. Kanaan R, Wessely S. Factitious Disorders in Neurology: An Analysis of Reported Cases. Psychosomatics 2010; 51: 47-54

151. Kanaan R, Wessely S. The origins of factitious disorders. History of the Human Sciences 2010: 23: 68-85

152. Jones E, Wessely S. British Prisoners-of-War: from resilience to psychological vulnerability, reality or perception. Twentieth Century British History 2010: 21: 163-183

153. Rubin G, Nieto-Hernandez R, Wessely S. Idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (formerly “electromagnetic hypersensitivity”): An updated systematic review of provocation studies. Bioelectromagnetics 2010: 31: 1-11

154. Page L, Keshishian C, Leonardi G, Murray V, Rubin G, Wessely S. Frequency and predictors of mass psychogenic illness. Epidemiology 2010:21: 744-7

155. Rubin J, Amlot R, Carter H, Large S, Wessely S, Page L.: Reassuring and managing patients with concerns about swine flu: Qualitative interviews with callers to NHS Direct. BMC Public Health 2010: 10: 451

156. Kanaan R, Wessely S, Armstrong D, Differential Effects of Pre- and Post-payment on neurologists response rates to a postal survey, BMC Neurology 2010 ; 10: 1000

157. Dickmann P, Rubin G, Gaber W, Wessely S, Wicker S, Serve H, Gottschalk R. New Influenza A/H1N1 (“Swine Flu”) : information needs of airport passengers and staff. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 2011: 5: 39-46

158. Nieto-Hernandez R, Rubin G, Williams J, Cleare A, Wessely S. Can exposure to Terrestial Trunked Radio (TETRA) cause subjective symptoms? A randomized double blind provocation study. Occupational Environmental Medicine 2011: 68: 339-344

159. Tak L, Cleare A, Ormel J, Manoharan A, Kok I, Wessely S, Rosmalen J. Meta-analysis and meta-regression of HPA –axis activity in functional somatic disorders. Biological Psychology 2011: 87: 183-194

160. Page L, Seetharaman S, Suhail I, Rubin J, Wessely S, Pereria J. Using electronic patient records to assess the impact of swine flu (Influenza H1N1) on mental health patients. J Mental Health 2011: 20: 60-69

161. Mykletun A, Glozier N, Wenzel H, Overland S, Harvey S, Wessely S, Hotopf M. Reverse causality in the association between whiplash and anxiety and depression: the HUNT study. Spine 2011: 36: 1380-1386

162. Leone S, Wessely S, Huibers M, Knottnerus J, Kant U. Two sides of the same coin? On the history and phenonomology of burnout. Psychology & Health 2011: 26: 449-464.

163. Kanaan R, Armstrong R, Wessely S. Neurologists’ beliefs about conversion disorder. A national study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2011: 82: 961-966

164. Rubin GJ, Amlot R, Wessely S, Greenberg N. Anxiety, distress and anger among British nationals in Japan following the Fukushima nuclear accident. British Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 201: 400-407.

165. Pearce J,  Rubin G, Amlot R, Wessely S, Rogers B. Communicating Public Health Advice after a Chemical Spill.  Results from National Surveys in the United Kingdom and Poland. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 2012: doi:10.1001/dmp.2012.56

166.Kanaan R, Armstrong D, David A, Wessely S.  The function of “functional”: a mixed methods investigation.  J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2012: 83; 248-250

167. Petrie KJ, Wessely S. Getting well from water. BMJ 2004: 329; 1417-8

168. Maercker A, Brewin C, Bryant R, Cloitre M, Reed G, van Ommeren M, Humayun A, Jones L, Kagee A, Llosa A, Rousseau C, Somasundaram D, Souza R, Suzuki Y, Weissbecker I, Wessely S, First M, Saxena S.  Proposals for mental disorders specifically associated with stress in the ICD-11.  Lancet April 11, 2013 S0140-6736(12)62191-6

169. Bizrah M, Iacoponi E, Parker E, Rymer J, Iversen A, Wessely S. A novel method of assessing quality of postgraduate psychiatry training: experiences from a large training programme.  BMC Med Education 2013: 13; 85

170. Mukherjee K, Maier M, Wessely S. UK crisis in recruitment into psychiatric training. The Psychiatrist 2013: 37: 210-214

171. Bartholomew R, Rubin J, Wessely S.  Mass psychogenic illness and the social network: is it changing the nature of outbreaks? J Royal Society Medicine 2012: 105: 509-12

172. Boyd I, Rubin G, Wessely S. Taking refuge from modernity: Twentieth Century Hermits.  J Royal Soc Med 2012:105;523-529

173. Rubin GJ, Burns M, Wessely S. Possible psychological mechanisms for ‘wind turbine syndrome.’ On the windmills of your mind. Noise & Health 2014: 16:116-122

174.  Chris Millard, Simon Wesselly. Parity of esteem between mental and physical health means different things to different people, making it difficult to enforce. BMJ 2014; 349: g6821 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g6821

175. Dazzi T, Gribble R, Wessely S, fear N.  Does asking about suicide and related behaviours induce suicidal ideation? What is the evidence?  Psychological Medicine 2014:M44: 3361-3363

176. Neil Greenberg, Simon Wessely, and Til Wykes. Potential mental health consequences for workers in the Ebola regions of West Africa – a lesson for all challenging environments. J Ment Health, 2015; 24(1): 1–3

177. Maercker A, Brewin C, Bryant R, Cloitre M, Reed G, van Ommeren M, Humayun A, Jones L, Kagee A, Llosa A, Rousseau C, Somasundaram D, Souza R, Suzuki Y, Weissbecker I, Wessely S, First M, Saxena S.  Proposals for mental disorders specifically associated with stress in the ICD-11.  Lancet 2013: 381: 1683-1685

178. Deborah Arnott chief executive, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), London, UK, Simon Wessely president, Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, Michael Fitzpatrick former GP and writer, London. Maudsley Debate: Should psychiatric hospitals completely ban smoking? BMJ 2015;351:h5654 doi: 10.1136/bmj.h5654

178. Baker, M, Wessely, S, Openshaw D. Not such friendly banter. British J Gen Practice. 2016: 508-509

179. Improving Interprofessional Approaches to Physical and Psychiatric Comorbidities Through Simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2017: 13, 186-193.

180. Singh I, Wessely S.  Childhood: a suitable case for treatment?  Lancet Psychiatry 2015: 2; 681-6.

181. Neil Greenberg, Mary Docherty, Sam Gnanapragasam, Simon Wessely. Managing mental health challenges faced by healthcare workers during covid-19 pandemic. BMJ 2020; 368 doi:

182. Smith L, Wessely S, Rubin J. Public health communicators should stop telling people to rely on their instincts.  BMJ 2022;379:o3008

Blumenthal S, Wessely S. (1992). The Diversion from Custody of the Mentally Abnormal Offender: A National Survey. Department of Health.

Blumenthal S, Wessely S. (1993). The Operation of Mental Health Review Tribunals.  Department of Health.

Akhurst M, Brown I, Wessely S. (1995). Dying for Help: Offenders at risk of Suicide. London; Association of Chief Probation Officers

Wall S, Buchanan A, Hotopf M, Wessely S, Churchill R (1999). A systematic review of data pertaining to the Mental Health Act (1983). Report to the Department of Health. London, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1999

Jones E, Wessely S. The Rise of Veteran Support Groups – 1919 – 1999. Report for Ministry of Defence, 1999.

Churchill R, Hunot, V, Corney, R., Knapp, M., Tylee, A. & Wessely, S. Brief psychotherapy for depression. HTA monograph 2002 (in press).

Rona RJ, Dodds W, Jones M, Wessely S, Leadbeter D, Snashall D. Report on the current health information systems available in the UK Armed Services and their suitability for a Health Surveillance System (HSS), Nov 2000.

Ritchie C, Friedman M, Ruzek J, Schnuur P, Watson P, Wessely S, Orner R. Consensus Guidelines on Mental Health and Mass Violence. National Institutes of Health, 2002

Wessely  S. Proceedings of a NATO Workshop on the Social and Psychological Consequences of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism. 2002, NATO

Dandeker C, Iversen S, Ross J, Wessely S. Improving Cross Departmental Support for Veterans. London, HMSO, 2003.

Dandeker C, Thomas S,  Dolan M, Chapman F, Ross J. Feasibility study on the extent, causes, impact and costs of rough sleeping and homelessness amongst ex service personnel in a sample of Local Authorities in England. Unpublished Research Report, MOD 2004

Rona R, French C, Hooper R, Jones M, Wessely S. Report on the Development and Evaluation of  Process of Health Screening for the UK MOD. Unpublished Research Report for MOD, July 2003.

Staden L, French C, Iversen A,  Dandeker C, Wessely S. Post discharge mentoring for vulnerable service leavers. Unpublished Research Report, MOD 2005.

The morning after: What now for psychiatry research? BMC Medicine 2016.

The Expansion of the Foundation Year in Psychiatry. Psychiatric Bulletin 2015.

Fernando A, Atloe C, Jaye P, Cross P,  Pathan J, Wessely S.  Improving interprofessional approaches to physical and psychiatric comorbidities through simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 2017: 13;183-193