1. Wessely S. Old Wine in New Bottles:Neurasthenia and ME. Psychol Med 1990; 20;35-53.
2. Wessely S.The History of Postviral Fatigue Syndrome.Br Med Bulletin 1991: 47; 919-941.
3. Bartholomew R, Wessely S. Epidemic Hysteria in Virginia: The case of the Phantom Gasser of 1933-34. Southern Med J 1999; 92: 762 769
4. Jones E, Wessely S. Chronic fatigue syndrome after the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny. BMJ 1999: 319:1545-1547
5. Jones E, Wessely S. The origins of British military psychiatry before the First World War. War and Society 2001: 19:91-108
6. Jones E, Palmer I, Wessely S. War Pensions (1917-1945): changing models of psychological understanding. Br J Psychiatry 2002: 180: 374-379.
7. Jones E, Hodgins-Vermaas R, McCartney H, Everitt B, Beech C, Poynter D, Palmer I, Hyams K, Wessely S. Post-combat syndromes from the Boer War to the Gulf: a cluster analysis of their nature and attribution. Br Med J 2002: 324: 321-324.
8. Jones E, Wessely S. Forward Psychiatry in the Military: Its Origins and Effectiveness. J Traumatic Stress 2003: 16: 411-419
9. Jones E, Hodgins Vermaas R, Beech C, Palmer I, Hyams K, Wessely S. Mortality and post-combat disorders: UK veterans of the Boer War and World War One, Military Medicine, 2003: 168: 414-418
10. Jones, E., Vermaas, R., McCartney, H. Beech, C., Palmer, I., Hyams, K. Wessely, S.Flashbacks and post-traumatic stress disorder: the genesis of a 20th-century diagnosis. British Journal of Psychiatry 2003: 182: 158-163.
11. Jones E, Hyams K, Wessely S. Screening for vulnerability to psychological disorders in the military: a historical analysis. J Med Screening 2003: 10: 40-46
12. Luthra A, Wessely S. Unloading the Trunk: Neurasthenia, CFS and Race. Soc Sci Medicine 2004: 58: 2363-2369
13. Wessely S, Jones E. Psychiatry and the Lessons of Vietnam: What were they and are they still relevant? War and Society 2004; 22: 89-103.
14. Jones E, Wessely S. The influence of culture on the development of medically unexplained syndromes in the military. Medical History 2005: 49: 55-78.
15. Jones E, Woolven R, Durodie W, Wessely S. Civilian Morale During the Second World War: Responses to Air Raids Re-examined. J Social History 2004: 17: 463-479
16. Wessely, S. Twentieth Century Perspectives on Combat Motivation and Breakdown. J Contemporary History 2006: 41: 269-286
17. Jones E, Hyams K, Wessely S. Iconic Images. The Historian 2006: 92, 6-11.
18. Wessely S. The Life and Death of Private Harry Farr. J Royal Soc Medicine 2006: 99: 440-443
19. Jones E, Palmer I, Wessely S. Enduring beliefs about the effects of gassing in war: qualitative study. BMJ 2007: 335: 1313-1315
20. Jones E, Wessely S. Post traumatic stress disorder: a paradigm shift in the conceptualization of psychiatric disorder. J Anxiety Disorders 2007: 21: 164-175
21. Jones E, Fear N, Wessely S. Shell Shock and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Historical Review Am J Psychiatry 2007: 164,1641-1645
22. Jones E, Everitt B, Ironside S, Palmer I, Wessely S. Psychological effects of chemical weapons: a follow up study of First World War veterans. Psychol Med 2008: 38: 1419-1426.
23. Wessely S. Surgery for the treatment of psychiatric illness: the need to test untested theories. Journal Royal Society Medicine 2009: 102: 445-451
24. Kanaan R, Wessely S. The origins of factitious disorders. History of the Human Sciences 2010: 23: 68-85
25. Jones E, Wessely S. British Prisoners-of-War: from resilience to psychological vulnerability, reality or perception. Twentieth Century British History 2010: 21: 163-183
26. Stoyan Popkirov research fellow in neurology 1, Simon Wessely regius professor of psychiatry 2 , Timothy R Nicholson honorary consultant neuropsychiatrist 3, Alan J Carson consultant neuropsychiatrist 4, Jon Stone consultant neurologist 4 . Different shell, same shock. BMJ 2017;359:j5621 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5621 (Published 8 December 2017)