
Student Mental Health Wellbeing. Higher Education. Edited by Nicola Barden & Ruth Caleb. 2019
Chalder T, Wessely S. (1993) Managing Fatigue: A Self Help Guide.
Blumenthal S, Wessely S. The pattern of delays in Mental Health Review Tribunals (Summary). HMSO, London, 1994.
Castle D, Van Os J, Wessely S, Murray R. Psychosis in the Inner City. Maudsley Monograph No 41, Blackwells Scientific Publications, Oxford, 1998
Wessely S, Hotopf M, Sharpe M. Chronic Fatigue and its Syndromes. Oxford University Press, 1998
Everitt B, Wessely S. Clinical Trials in Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Jones E, Wessely S. From Shellshock to PTSD: A History of Military Psychiatry. Psychology Press, 2005.
Wessely S, Krasnov V (eds) . Psychological Reactions to the New Terrorism: A NATO Russia Dialogue. IOS Press, 2005.
Wessely S. Affective Disorder. In “Postgraduate Psychiatry: Clinical and Scientific Foundations”. Eds. Appleby & Forshaw. Oxford: Blackwell, 169-187.
Wessely S.. Dermatological Complaints. In “Somatization: Physical Symptoms and Psychological Disorder”. Ed. Bass. Oxford; Blackwell, 1990, 276-299.
Wessely S.. The Natural History of Fatigue and Myalgia Syndromes. In: “Psychological Disorders Commonly Encountered in General Medical Settings”. (eds Sartorius, Goldberg et al. Hans Huber, Bern, 1990, 82-97.
Wessely S, Thomas P K. (1990) The chronic fatigue syndrome -myalgic encephalomyelitis or postviral fatigue. In; “Recent Advances in Neurology”, Vol. 6. (ed Kennard). Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 85-132.
Wessely S, Butler S, Chalder S, David A. (1991). The Cognitive Behavioural Management of the Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome. In; “The Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome (M.E.)”. (eds. Jenkins & Mowbray). Chichester, John Wiley, 305-334.
Taylor P, Mullen P, Wessely S. (1993) Psychosis, Violence and Crime. In: “Forensic Psychiatry” (eds.Gunn & Taylor). London: Heinemann, 330-371.
Garety P, Wessely S. (1994) The Assessment of Positive Symptoms. In: “Assessment Procedures for the Psychoses”. (eds Barnes & Nelson). Clinical Neurosciences, 21-40.
Wessely S, Edwards RHT. (1993) Fatigue. In; “Neurological Rehabilitation”. (eds Greenwood, Barnes, McMillan, Ward). Edinburgh; Churchill Livingstone, 311-325.
Wessely S. Violence and Psychosis. In: “The Science and Psychiatry of Violence”. (eds Thompson & Cowen). Butterworths, 1993, 119-134.
Taylor P, Garety P, Buchanan P, Reed A, Wessely S, Ray L, Dunn G. (1994). Measuring risk through delusions. In; “Violence amd Mental Disorder: Developments in Risk Assessment”. (eds Monahan & Steadman). University of Chicago Press, 161-182.
Wessely S, Newham D.. Virus Syndromes and Chronic Fatigue in Relation to Muscular Pain. In: “Progress on Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia”. (eds Vaeroy & Merskey). Elsevier, 1993, 345-356.
Lloyd K, Wessely S. General Hospitals. In:”Prevention in Psychiatry”. (eds Jenkins & Paykel). London, Gaskell, 1994, 177-187.
Wessely S. The neuropsychiatry of chronic fatigue syndrome. In; “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” (eds Straus & Kleinman). CIBA Foundation Symposium 173, John Wiley, Chichester, 1993, 212-237.
Wessely S & Sharpe M.Chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. In; “The Nature and Treatment of Somatic Symptoms”. (eds Mayou, Sharpe, Bass). OUP, 1995, 285-312.
Wessely S.The history of chronic fatigue syndrome. In: “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. (ed. Straus). New York; Mark Dekker, 1994, 41-82.
Lewis G, Wessely S. Neurosis and Personality Disorder.In: “Essentials of Postgraduate Psychiatry” (3rd edition). (eds Murray, McGuffin, Hill). Cambridge U P, 1997, 145-191.
Wessely S . Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Why? In: Demitrack M, Abbey S, eds. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation and Treatment. New York: Guildford Press, 1996, 212-239.
Buchanan A, Wessely S. Delusions, Action and Insight. In: Insight and Psychosis (Eds David & Amador. Oxford University Press, 1997, 241-368.
Wessely S. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In: Progress in Clinical Psychiatry 1; (eds Weller & van Kammen). Saunders, Edinburgh, 1997, 20-75.
Hotopf M, Wessely S. Depression and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In: Depression and Physical Illness. Ed Robertson & Katona. John Wiley 1997: 499-522.
Hotopf M, Wessely S. Depression and Physical Illness. In: The Treatment of Depression. Ed Checkley S. Blackwells, 1998.
Sharpe M, Wessely S. Non specific ill health: a mind-body approach to medically unexplained symptoms. In: Mind-Body Medicine: The Physician’s Handbook of Psychneuroimmunology. Ed A Watkins. Churchill Livingstone 1997; 169-186.
Wessely S. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Bibliotheca Psychiatrica No 167. Eds. Judd L, Saletu B,, Filip V. Basel, Karger, 1997, 21-29.
Sensky T, Ramirez A, Wessely S, White P. Consultation liaison psychiatry services in London. London’s Mental Health. King’s Fund, 1997, pp82-91.
Cleare A, Wessely S. Anergia and anhedonia: equal or opposite? In : The value of pleasures: and the question of guilt. ARISE 1997 International Workshop, Rome, 20‑23 April 1997.
Wessely S. Case Control Study. In: Critical Reviews in Psychiatry (ed Brown & Wilkinson). Gaskell, 1998; 38-45.
Wessely S. Epidemiology.of CFS. In: A Research Portfolio on Chronic Fatigue (ed Fox). Royal Society of Medicine, 1998, 1-7.
Wessely S, Chalder T. Chronic Fatigue. In; “Neurological Rehabilitation”. (eds Greenwood, Barnes, McMillan, Ward). Edinburgh; Churchill Livingstone, 2nd edition,.
Wessely S, Wood F. Peer review of grant applications: a systematic review. In: Peer Review in Health Care (ed Godlee, Jefferson). BMA Publications 1999;14-31.
Chalder T, Deale A, Wessely S. Management of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In; Difficult Problems in Psychiatry (ed. Lader), Martin Dunitz, 1999, 135-153.
Wessely S. Chronic fatigue syndrome. In: Rethinking Somatoform Disorders. Springer Verlag, 1999, 180-110.
Cleare A, Wessely S. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In : Encyclopedia of Stress. (ed Fink G.). Academic Press, San Diego 2000; 460-467.
Sharpe M, Wessely S. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry (eds Gelder, Lopez-Ibor, Andreasen). OUP, 2000, 1112-1121.
Wessely S. Chronic fatigue and cancer. In: Portenoy RK, Bruera EB (eds): Research Methods in Palliative Care, in press.
Cleare A, Wessely S Affective Disorders. In: Postgraduate Psychiatry, 2nd edition, eds Appleby, Forshaw (in press).
Wessely S, Hotopf M. Is fibromyalgia a distinct clinical entity? Historical and epidemiological evidence. In: Generalised Chronic Pain Syndromes (ed Croft, Silman). Balliere’s Clinical Rheumatology 1999:13:427-436.
Wessely S. Randomised controlled trials: the gold standard? In: Evidence in the Balance (ed Mace, Moorey, Roberts) Routledge, 2001, 46-60.
Chalder T. Cleare A. Wessely S. Management of Fatigue and Anxiety in the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Management of Anxiety in Medical Disorders. (Ed Mostosky) Allyn and Bacon. 2000; 160-179.
Wessely S. Neurasthenia. In: Current Concepts in Psychiatry (ed Sartorius). Springer 2000.121-130.
Deale A, Chalder T, Wessely S, Keijsers G, Hoogduin C. Protocollaire behandeling van patienten met het chronish vermoeidheids-syndroom. In Protocollaire Behandelingen in de ambulante geestelijke gezondeidszorg. Ed Keijsers. Bohn, 1999, 162-198.
Cleare AJ, Wessely S (2001) Chronic fatigue syndrome. In Encyclopædia of Life Sciences, Nature Publishing Group.
Jones E, Wessely S. The impact of total war on the practice of psychiatry. In: Shadows of Total War, 1919-1939. (Ed Forster, Chickering). Cambridge Univ Press, 2001, 129-148.
Wessely S, Chalder T, David A, Hotopf M, Ismail L, Jones E, Palmer I, Reid S, Unwin C. Ten Years On: What Do We Know About Gulf War Syndrome? In: Toxic Turmoil: Psychological and Societal Consequences of Ecological Disasters (ed Havenaar. Cwikel, Bromet), Plenum 2002: 101-128
Wessely S. Screening. In: Terrorism and Disaster: Individual and Community Mnetal Health Interventions (ed Ursano, Fullerton, Norwood), CUP 2003: 121-145.
Rose S, Bisson J, Wessely S. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. In: Orner,R.J. and Schnyder,U.(Eds.)Reconstructing early intervention after trauma. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2003, 24-39.
Reid S, Wessely S. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Conn’s Current Therapy (ed Rakel, Bope). Saunders, 2002, 110-113 and 2006 138-141.
Rubin J, Chalder T, Wessely S. Psychological factors in infectious diseases. In: Infectious Diseases (ed Cohen, Powderly), Elsevier, 2004.
Wessely S. Mental Health. In: What About the Workers? (ed Holland Elliott). RSM Press, London, 2004: 41-47.
Wessely S. What should mental health professionals do, and not do. In: Neria Y, Gross R, Marshall R, Susser E, eds. 9/11: Mental Health in the Wake of a Terrorist Attack. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Wessely S, Hotopf M. Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: The Story of “Gulf War Syndrome”. In: Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity over the Course of Life. Ed Eaton W. APPI, Washington, 2005.
Wessely S, Hotopf M. Gulf War Syndrome. In : Chemical Warfare Agents: Toxicology and Treatment (ed Maynard, Marrs, Sidell). London, John Wiley, in press.
Rubin J, Wessely S. The role of stress in the etiology of medically unexplained syndromes. In: Arnetz, Ekman. Stress in Health and Disease. Weinheim, Germany. Wiley-VCH, 2006, 292-306
Wessely S. The randomized, controlled trial. In: Choosing Methods in Mental Health Research (ed Slade, Priebe). London, Routledge, 85-98.
Greenberg N, Wessely S, Hacker Hughes J, Earnshaw M. International Perspectives. In : Handbook of Combat and Operational Mental Health (ed Richie). AMA, in press.
Greenberg N, Rubin J, Wessely S. The Psychological Consequences of the London Bombings. In: Psychological Consequences of Disaster and Terrorism, Ed Galea.